Monday, September 27, 2010

10 Reasons Why My Taste In Music Is Better Than Yours

Based on my feed from the last seven days.

1. Pavement

I don't know if you've heard but Pavement sold out their shows at Central Park a year in advance in two minutes. Two minutes! Pavement is like hanging out with these dudes you really like but you're kind of sure are way too cool for you and for some reason they're hanging out with you anyway. They're so cool that even though they know this dichotomy exists they don't really care and spent the night drinkin some brewskis with you anyway. These are the dudes Billy Corgan cries himself asleep to every night. If that doesn't sell you, I don't know what will.

2. Sex Bob-omb

This is off the Scott Pilgrim vs. the World soundtrack. This is Michael Cera's fictional band in the movie. Before you laugh me off the blogosphere, hear me out. Beck wrote all the music for Michael Cera's fictional band. NOT MICHAEL CERA. ATTN NOT MICHAEL CERA. Beck is a musical genius. And a Scientologist. And we all know Scientology is the path of the righteous one. Summertime is a bitchin song.

See? Pretty bitchin' right? Beck is pretty cool.

3. Yo La Tengo

I love Yo La Tengo. They're one of my favorite bands. If there is anything I love it is elderly Jewish people playing killer guitar solos. However, the only reason this is on my most played this week is because the other night I fell asleep to my iPod the other night and it went into a loop for nine hours.

4. Justin Bieber

Ah, Justin Bieber. The apple of my eye. If I ever met Justin Bieber I would definitely buy him a pack of Cool Ranch Doritos. How does that sound Justin? Pretty wicked, am I right? How can you not love Justin Bieber? He is a complete sweetheart. He's just a sixteen year-old kid who loves junk food and is a lil' bit of a prankster. He also just happens to be incredibly famous. How is that his fault, huh? Leave Justin alone! Also, that "Runaway Love" song IS THE SHIT!!

5. Okkervil River

My favorite people from Austin. Great lyricists. Twangy tunes. Whatever. We all know there is only one thing I can say to convince you guys that this band is awesome: at Bonnaroo after the Okkervil River set Bruce Springsteen came up to lead singer Will Sheff and shook his hand. BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN SHOOK WILL SHEFF'S HAND! When Bruce Springsteen acknowledges you as a person it means you are worthwhile.

6. Arcade Fire

So, Arcade Fire has been around roughly for a decade. And they have not produced one bad song. Arcade Fire has produced three superb albums. Each one better than the last. The last of the Indie Star Champs. Wolf Parade has been around for five years and have made one excellent album and two shitty ones.

7. 8. 9. 10. Bon Iver, Conor Oberst, Elvis Perkins and Real Estate aren't actually bands I really like. It just came up from that night I fell asleep with the iPod running.

Some Notes:

If you say that you never listened to the Death Cab for Cutie album "Transatlantacism" you are lying. If anybody tells you they never listened to the Death Cab for Cutie album "Transatlantacism" they are lying. Everyone listened to that shit. I can go find your myspace from five years ago and show you where you posted their lyrics in a blog. For example, here is 15 Year old Kate Shapiro's Myspace Blog:


Jesus, I was so cool. What happened to me? I'm so lame now. Anyway, I'm not here to lament my backwards progress in personal growth, my point is- you listened to Death Cab for Cutie.

So last (but not least) Bruce Springsteen. Ah, Bruce. Bruce embodies everything I love about the world. America, rock music and the 4th of July. Bruce Springsteen wrote a song about the 4th of July. My favorite holiday of all time. How can you not like the Fourth of July? The entire holiday is dedicated to sitting by the pool/going to your lakehouse, day drinking, grilling and reckless waterskiing. Oh, yeah, AND SHOOTING GIANT BALLS OF FIRE INTO THE AIR! Those are pretty much every single one of my favorite activities. And Bruce Springsteen knows that. He doesn't need fancy-smancy effect equalizers to make awesome music. He just takes the spirit of everything everybody in the USA loves and makes kickass songs out of them. Man, I pledge allegiance to America and also to Bruce Springsteen.

I could go on for longer. All you need to know is everything I have just said here is substantiated by everyone from Kanye West to Tom Cruise.

1 comment:

  1. You haven't changed at all. Proof:

    1. Dawson's Creek
    2. Mom has bought me too much stuff, I'll just ask Dad
    3. Space camp
