And on top of all that, people still somehow expect us to care about this sport. To watch it on TV. They expect us to indulge these rich white men. There is an entire channel dedicated to golf. A whole golf culture. And then, when we do dedicate a bit of our time to watching golf- they don't even let us drink ourselves into oblivion, yell and fight people. What kind of sport is that? I'll tell you what kind of sport. An un-American one.
Not too long ago it became clear in the newspapers and whatnot that Tiger Woods has a lot of sex with a lot of different people that aren't his wife. And somehow this was a shock to people. Because it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooo weird when good looking, rich, athletes sleep with a lot of different women. That totally, like, never happens and it's so totally, like, wrong. So now everyone is dropping his endorsement deals, and printing articles about how much of an asshole he is, his wife is going to leave him and take all his money, stupid bitches posted his sex text messages which while being wildly entertaining is still pretty low. And now, because everybody is giving him so much shit all the time- he can't play golf as well as he used to.
You know who's fault this is? Elin Nordegren. Famous athletes have a lot of sex with everybody. It's always been that way since the beginning of time. Take Magic Johnson, he was awesome at basketball and he also had sex with everybody. I mean, that one kind of bit him in the ass but still- he was awesome. My point is, Elin Nordegren is walking around on the cover of Us Weekly being all "Poor me, my husband cheated on me! How will I live? He's so cruel. Boo Hoo." She's married to a young athelete, who is also rich and famous, of course he was going to cheat! And she probably knew he was. When Elin Nordegren met Tiger Woods, she was working in a clothing store. Now she has everything she could possibly want! Fancy vacations, multiple houses, everything! How can I feel bad for that woman? I can't. The trade off for being a golddigger and having everything is that you tolerate infidelity. It's a fact of life. Elin Nordegren needs to watch more Mad Men. But no. Now, she's leaving him, getting a talk show (does she even know English?? Even if she does what does she possibly have to say?) and a shit-ton of endorsements. Tiger Woods sucks at golf and therefore- nobody gives a shit anymore.
The PGA is shitting it's pants I bet.
I know this is six months too late but it needs to be said. Tiger, don't let one Swedish woman bring you down. Yeah, she's the mother of your kids, but there are other fish in the sea. Go back to fucking whoever you want, go back to the world of golden showers. We all have our flaws. If yours makes you good at sports, so be it. Dive into the sea of titties that awaits you. And win more championships. Remember, Tiger, you're a god.
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